Frequently Asked Question

The transplanted hair is removed from one area of the body (donor site) and transferred to another (recipient site). The transferred tissue is not “rejected” as it is not a foreign tissue. The transplanted hair maintains its own characteristics; colour, texture, growth rate, and curl, after transplantation and regrowth. The vitality of the grafted follicle is maintained by the rich blood supply to the scalp. Originally many years ago, large circular grafts (commonly called ‘plugs’) containing 15-20 hairs were transplanted resulting in noticeably unnatural results. Over years, instruments and techniques have been developed that allow hair transplant surgeons to achieve truly natural results by transplanting large numbers of small grafts very close together. We have found that hair grows from the scalp in groups of one, two, or three (and rarely, four) hair follicles, called “follicular units.” We can transfer these groups of follicles, called “follicular unit grafts,” after eliminating the excess surrounding tissue.This allows the grafts to be placed closer together resulting in a denser and more natural result. A significant amount of artistry is also needed in order to recreate the natural patterns of hair growth.
The hair that is transplanted usually comes from the back of the head or the side of the head of you having the transplant. Unless you have an identical twin with extra hair to donate, you must serve as your own donor. The hair follicle that is transplanted, should it survive the transplant, will produce hair in its new location. The hair follicles will not divide and multiple to produce several hairs in its new location. So, in that sense, the hair that is transplanted will not “spread”.
Hair transplantation can be quite time intensive. Depending on the amount of hair that needs to be transplanted, it often takes several operative sessions, and these must be placed at least 6 to 8 months apart. We can move hair in very thin strips or we can use plugs containing 10 or 15 hairs per plug, but these techniques are much less popular than they once were. They often produce an artificial look that can be detected by others on casual inspection. Now it is more common to do much smaller unit transplants.
In other words, we may transplant single hair follicles or small groups such as 2 or 3 hair follicles in a single group and it is not uncommon to transfer between 750 and 1,500 hair follicles at a single session.

Some surgeons are able to transfer up to 2000 or even more follicles in a single session. When one transplants hair, it is quite common for the hair shaft in that follicle to fall out. The transplanted hair follicles often go into a resting phase before they begin to produce new hair. It often takes up to a year following the hair transplantation to see the full result of the procedure. If necessary, one can then go back and provide more individually placed hair transplants to fill the small gaps that exist after the initial procedure. Technically, during the procedure, if one attempts to place the graft too close to the one just previously placed, the first graft begins to pop out as one attempts to insert the second. One usually has to place the grafts about 1/8 inch apart. This is not as dense as normal hair so it is often necessary to go back 8 months to a year later and place more follicles between those originally transplanted.

It is estimated that perhaps 20 percent of women will experience some degree of hair loss. It can be related to some underlying illness or perhaps due to hormonal change after menopause. Usually, it is a general thinning of hair rather than losing hair over a specific patch such as is more common in men. Although hair transplantation is less commonly done in females, there is certainly no reason why you could not consider transplantation if there is enough donor hair. Sometimes, you can make the hair loss worse if you constantly pick at a spot where you are losing hair, so you should try to be careful about this.

Most people are surprised at how little pain there is during a hair transplant procedure today. Some discomfort is to be expected as the anesthetic is injected into the scalp. Once the skin is anesthetised, there is no pain. If the numbing medicine wears off during the course of the procedure, more is injected to re-anesthetise the area. Advances in local anesthetic and the way it is applied allow for a comfortable and relaxing procedure. Most patients watch movies, listen to music or nap during their procedure.
Despite the initial cost of the procedure, hair transplantation can be less expensive than an artificial hairpiece over the long run. Considering that the results are permanent, most people consider it a good investment in their future happiness. Different surgeons have different practice costs, which they must cover. The business of hair transplantation is relatively competitive and individual surgeons are not shy about stating what their procedure costs once they have seen what needs to be done in an individual patient. Without an examination, it is not possible to quote a price for a patient.
This depends on customer to customer. You can check the level of baldness Clickhere and write to with pictures.
Depending on the type of procedure you have done and the type of work you do, it is often possible to go back to work the next day. Your hair restoration surgeon will discuss this with you during the consultation.
No, the hair transplant does not leave tell-tale signs.
Since our own specialty is plastic surgery, we are somewhat prejudiced in favour of plastic surgeons. There are individuals with other specialty training backgrounds who do good hair transplant procedures. In general, we think that the plastic surgeon is more likely to be able to use mini grafts, tissue expansion, flap advancement, and scalp reduction techniques to accomplish your goals. Having many techniques available increases the likelihood of meeting your expectations.
The most common cause of hair loss is heredity. Men and women inherit the gene for hair loss from either or both parents. In men, the hormone dihydrotestosterone causes a gradual miniaturisation and eventual loss of hair follicles that are genetically susceptible. The mechanism of female pattern hair loss is not clearly known. The time of onset, extent, and rate of hair loss varies from person to person. Men and women exhibit hereditary hair loss differently. Severe illness, medications, malnutrition, or vitamin deficiency can accelerate this process. When applied incorrectly, permanent hair colour and chemical relaxers damage the hair and follicle to the extent that hair loss can be permanent. Causes of hair loss do not include wearing a hat, excessive shampooing, lack of blood flow, or clogged pores.
The transplanted hair is removed from one area of the body (donor site) and transferred to another (recipient site).

The transferred tissue is not “rejected” as it is not a foreign tissue. The transplanted hair maintains its own characteristics; colour, texture, growth rate, and curl, after transplantation and regrowth. The vitality of the grafted follicle is maintained by the rich blood supply to the scalp. Originally many years ago, large circular grafts (commonly called ‘plugs’) containing 15-20 hairs were transplanted resulting in noticeably unnatural results. Over years, instruments and techniques have been developed that allow hair transplant surgeons to achieve truly natural results by transplanting large numbers of small grafts very close together. We have found that hair grows from the scalp in groups of one, two, or three (and rarely, four) hair follicles, called “follicular units.” We can transfer these groups of follicles, called “follicular unit grafts,” after eliminating the excess surrounding tissue

This allows the grafts to be placed closer together resulting in a denser and more natural result. A significant amount of artistry is also needed in order to recreate the natural patterns of hair growth.

Today’s highly trained and up-to-date surgeons, using a combination of artistry and technology, can recreate hairlines and crown coverage in a manner that truly defies detection. Progressing beyond the old style ‘plug-type’ transplants has been possible using advanced techniques which allow the transplantation of large numbers of small grafts. An appreciation for the natural shape and patterns of hair growth allows surgeons to create wavy, randomised hairlines that look natural.
The post-operative course will depend on adherence to the instructions given after surgery. Small scabs will form on the scalp at the graft sites. Generally speaking, these scabs disappear in 4-10 days. Shampooing can be resumed 24 hours after surgery. The suture (stitch) used in the donor area is undetectable immediately after surgery as it is completely covered by your existing hair. Some surgeons use absorbable stitches which are dissolved by the body, other surgeons may use skin staples. If the suture is non-absorbable, an appointment will be made for the suture to be removed approximately one week after surgery. It is advisable to take at least two days off work after surgery. A baseball type cap can be worn any time after surgery. Patients should avoid strenuous physical activity for at least five days after surgery. Typically, the grafted hair will shed in 2-4 weeks. New growth will begin in 3-4 months and length will increase approximately by 1/2 inch per month.


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